Friday, July 10, 2009

#37...setting the stage

I recently took a job staging homes for a local realtor. I don't have any formal training in this area, just a passion for home design, and a background in studio art and fashion, which I think has helped hone my interior design abilities.

When I started, I was not sure I would like staging, since staging a home to sell involves depersonalizing the space, and most of my decorating endeavours are about infusing individual personality into a room. Surprisingly, I have really enjoyed the staging challenges. Using their own possessions, I have helped sellers rearrange, clear-out, and update. It is really cathartic to help someone if I could only tackle some staging of my own closets and unruly garage!

Here are a few before & after shots from the first home I worked on.

Master Before
Master After

Study Before
Study After
Guest Room Before
Guest Room After

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