Friday, November 20, 2009

#103...stool solutions

I have a really tall, narrow linen closet in my house, and I am constantly dragging a dining room chair into the hallway to access the upper shelves. Tired of constantly moving the chair back and forth, I decided to find a stool solution that I could store in the hallway near the linen closet for easy access. As closet space is scarce here, the stool has to stay out in plain view, so I wanted it to be somewhat stylish. I found an old folding stool in my garage that I got about 10 years ago. It was a bit rusty and the top vinyl was gross, so I gave it a little facelift to make it worthy of being indoors.

Pictured to the right is a "before" of sorts that I pulled from While my stool was not pink Hannah Montana, you get the idea that it was not attractive.

This is my stool after it's facelift. I simply spray painted it black with a Rustoleum Metal spray paint, and recovered the top with a scrap of black & white fabric and a layer of clear vinyl for durability. The stool folds, and now fits nicely in an exposed cubbie next to my linen closet, and is making it much easier and pleasant to access the the closet.

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