Friday, September 18, 2009

#76...shaved ice

I realize that summer is drawing to a close, however here in Houston, we can enjoy a cool treat like shaved ice longer than those in cooler climates. Last week while I was in Hawaii, I got to enjoy some famous Hawaiian shaved ice at Matsumoto's in Haleiwa on the North Shore. I even bought this cute Japanese inspired T-shirt to remember my fun treat.

Yesterday was my birthday, and I thought that maybe I could make my own shaved ice to celebrate, so I did a little research and realized that there is actually is an art to making shaved ice, and you need a machine. This ehow link convinced me that making my own shaved ice is not a DIY I should try. The mention of a free 106-page shaved ice manual really took the wind out of my sail, and scared me off. So, for now I will be happy to frequent the shaved ice carts in my neighborhood like this popular spot! Happy weekend!
My surf instructor & his Matsumoto Shaved Ice