Wednesday, October 21, 2009


My friend Teri, who lives several states away from me, wrote asking if I could help her decorate her daughter's room from a distance. In searching for a way to compile pictures and product links that would give her the blue print she needed to pull together the room, I found the website of Turquoise, a design firm from L.A. They seem to have a well established e-decorating service with an impressive portfolio of virtually decorated rooms, and they make the concept of e-decorating seem simple.

This is the the "e-design board" that I put together for Lily's room. I separately compiled a source list of links for all of the items and ideas to go along with it.

Teri sent me pics of her room and a list of needs. I spent about 5 hours putting my ideas together, sourcing products, and drafting the link list. I really liked doing it......which got me thinking that maybe there are others out there who may like a decorating blueprint of this sort. I wonder if I could sell personally customized decorating plans on Etsy?


  1. I think that's a great idea to offer e-decorating services! It's kind of like a DIY with a personal/virtual consult!

  2. Love the owls for Lilly's room. Definitely a good idea to offer e-decorating - I bet you would have clients!

  3. Thank you again! I love the design ideas and am busy shopping! I will send pics of the finished product :)
